Monday, March 8, 2010

dreams and moments


Let's talk about DREAMS.

What are your dreams? Are you living your dream now? Where you are right now, was this once a dream you had for yourself? To exercise! To be a person who lives healthy and make healthy choices! Then celebrate these moments that are taking you to your dream and enjoy the moment of recognizing you are living your dream!

What are some new dreams?

Having someone in your life you look up is a good thing. Finding others that are where you want to be will make it easy for you to get there because, guess what? People LOVE to talk about themselves! If you just call that person up and let them know you love where they are in their fitness level, career, marriage, spiritual walk, etc, etc, and you would love to take them to coffee to learn more about how they got there, do you think they would say no? They'd jump on it! They'd be so flattered and would love to share with you how to get there to! That's what I love about life:

If someone else is somewhere you want to be, you can learn how to get there too.

It will be important to tear down any walls or preconceived notions you may have before you speak to them. If you are asking a mentor for direction but are thinking, "Oh she succeeded because she has more time in her day to get things done", then stop and say re-think by saying, "No, I can find the time to follow the same steps she took because this is my dream too." Or maybe you're tempted to not do what she did. Maybe she is telling you she practices daily affirmations out load, but you feel silly doing that so you just want to skip that daily habit. Hold up and rethink: If this worked for her there must be something to this! I'm gonna do everything she tells me to do!

Following the habits of successful people will get you to success as well.

Keep dreaming and planning! Knowing where you want to be is the first step in getting you there.

Yours in the journey,
Sara Oliver

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