Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Yummy, Healthy Recipes! Green Mac & Cheese Anyone?

That's right!  I made some Green Mac & Cheese last night, and it was yummy and a hit with the family too!  I blended spinach with the milk before blending in the cheese.  Check out the recipe at the link above.

I am trying lots of recipes this summer from my good friend, Brooke Thomas, owner of 360 Your Life.  Her blog is amazing and she has awesome nutrition tips on getting your whole family enjoying more nutritious food!  Yesterday we made her fruit ka-bobs and Green Mac & Cheese!!  

Oh and I also made Brooke's Love Crunch!  A great dessert option.  All so yummy, packed with good nutrition, and family hits!!  Enjoy checking out her blog today!

Pick out 2-3 new recipes to try each week this summer.  You're sure to find some yummy and healthy options to get you on a healthier journey!  It just takes planning and then doing.  Get the kids involved.  Show them what you do to plan the family meals.  Then take them to the store with you and let them pick some fruits and veggies!!

Yesterday I took my kids with me to HEB around 10:00.  Even though I'd eaten a yogurt around 9:30, I was so hungry when we got to HEB.  I guess my metabolism was still burning like crazy after yesterday's workout!!  Anyway, I went in and bought bananas and a bottled water.  I ate the snack and THEN bought my groceries!!  Saved me from buying food not on my list.  I was suppose to eat a piece of fruit for my mid-morning snack anyway!

Dedicated to your success,

Sara Oliver

Monday, June 10, 2013

How to get back on track with your nutrition!

The answer?  Make a Plan!!

And yes I have some great ideas for you!!

For clean eating, plan out your day with REAL food that you enjoy. Any fruit and veggies you like, nuts and seeds, and lean meats. Take 1 day/week to plan it all out, buy it and get it all in baggies.

Example day:
Breakfast: Smoothee for breakfast. Have your blender ready the night before. Add milk of your choice, 1/2 frozen banana, frozen blueberries and some Shaklee 180 protein powder. Blend and go!! (There are many other great tasting recipes for smoothees!  You can find one that you'll love and crave!)

Snack: yogurt with fruit.  I just discovered this yummy Chobani brand that I love!  It's only 100 calories and this coffee w/ dark chocolate is great!!  Drink a glass of water.

Lunch: salad with avocado and strawberries and lean meat! Drink a glass full of water

Snack: 1/4 cup of nuts and fruit.  Drink a glass of water or some green tea!  I drink the Shaklee 180 pomegranate tea for a metabolism boost!  I love it hot!!

Dinner: protein the size of your palm, complex carb (sweet pot OR brown rice) the size of your fist and half a plate full of veggies (either baked, steamed or a big salad!!)

If you need another snack before bed keep it to less than 100 calories. A spoon of peanut butter usually does the trick for me!!

As you can see, everything before dinner can be on the go and pre planned and packaged the day before. Buy yourself a small cooler to throw your snacks into so you can take it to work with you!! Having a plan with be the key to your success!

Take some time to plan out different dinners to cook at home and buy all the ingredients for the next 7 days. Write your menu and post it in your kitchen so you'll remember what your plan is later in the week.

I keep dinners simple. Lean meat in the George Foreman or grill, steam or bake some chopped veggies drizzled with olive oil and add a sweet pot or steamed brown rice!! Dinner is done!!

What questions or comments do you have?  I'd love to hear from you!

At first if may seem overwhelming but give it a go!! You can do it!

Dedicated to your success!
Sara Oliver