Thursday, August 26, 2010

A New Year! What's Your Goal?

School is officially well on it's way now.  The beginning of a new school year, to me, feels like a new year!  This is a great time for me to set new goals and get re-organized.  I'm excited as I sit down today and think through my business and fitness goals.  I also make family, spiritual, and rest/down-time goals too.  Thinking, planning and being strategic about these areas of my life helps me get where I want to go.

I'll share my fitness goal with you.  This year I want to run in my first 1/2 marathon.  I worked up the courage to sign up for the 1/2 in Houston in January.  Wouldn't you know it, this year was a lottery and I didn't get picked!  So, do I take the easy way out and just not do it?  NO!  I've found another one.  The scary thing is it's in November and not January.  But I can do it!  I can do anything I set my mind too. 

And that's why goals are so important.  If I didn't have the goal to run a 1/2 marathon, then I would never push myself in training for the event.  It will help focus me over these next three months as I am strategic about my weekly exercise routine.

What's your goal?  Do you have a goal to get out debt?  Then that will change the way you spend money today.  If you have a goal to lose weight, that will change the way you eat today and whether or not you make the choice to exercise today too.

Set a goal. 
  • Where do you want to be?  
  • See yourself reaching that goal! 
  • What will it feel like? 
  • How excited will you be when that day come? 
By putting yourself in your future you will create a big "Why".  You need to know your "Why".  Why are you going to do what it takes to reach your goals?  For me, I will feel so excited, elated, and proud of myself when I complete my 1/2 marathon.  I also want to set a good example to my family and my clients.  I want to inspire others to reach for their goals too.  This helps me focus when I don't feel like training.

Yours in the journey,
Sara Oliver

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Be Better, Not Bitter.

I had a fabulous weekend!  I got to go to Anaheim California for the Shaklee Convention.  What an amazing weekend with an amazing and positive group of people.  Some lessons that learned from my weekend:
  • 4 nights away from my kids and husband is too long
  • Always have Shaklee energy chews and protein bars in your purse when traveling.  You just can't find good and healthy snacks on the road.
  • I'm glad I get to wear tennis shoes to work!  I wore high heels everyday and am thankful I don't have to do that everyday!
On a more serious note, I learned valuable lessons I'd like to share with you.  I've related these lessons to health and fitness, but they can be applied to other areas of your life as well.

1.Get Inspired, Not Motivated. It's good to know your WHY when it comes to anything. Why did you sign up for an exercise class? Why are you trying to eat healthier? You must know and identify your Why.

2.Persistence. You won't get there overnight. While you will see changes in the next four weeks, this is a lifestyle change that will take work, consistency and persistence. But the rewards will be huge! Not only will you reach your health and fitness goals, but you'll become a more positive and happier you. This is just one benefit from discovery a healthier you. You're also setting a great example to friends and family, reducing stress in your life, and gaining a better quality of life. Remember, Quality vs. Quantity. That's true for the years we live too!

3.Go Above & Beyond. Go just a little faster than you think you can. PUSH. Maybe help a friend get started on a fitness plan as well. Teaching others what you're learning helps hold you accountable and empowers you as you inspire others.

4.Make LIFE decisions, not just a few weeks of change. In order to gain and maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle, you need to begin making LIFE decisions about how you eat and exercise. Get rid of any mindset that has you thinking this is a temporary change.

5.All powerful and positive action comes from what you put in your head. So true! Put positive messages and affirmations all around you. You can do this! This is who you want to be! I believe you can do it! You can whatever you set your mind to do!
6.And finally, Be Better, Not Bitter.  Don't wallow in sorrows of what you don't have.  You can Be Better.  It's a choice.  Start today.
Have a fit & fabulous day!
Yours in health,
Sara Oliver