Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's your SYSTEM?

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson

SYSTEM: Save YourSelf Time & Energy (Marvelous!)

Do you have a SYSTEM for eating healthy? Well, if you don't have one you will not succeed in the lifestyle of maintaining your weight and finding success with the battle of the buldge! Here's the SYSTEM that I literally go through every week that has proven to help my family eat healthy, eat at home and therefore, it is also helping us bring back the family dinner!! (VERY important for many other reasons!)

#1: Set aside 30 minutes every week to sit down and write out your week's menu for dinners. Literally write on a piece of paper Sunday-Saturday, and pick out 2 chicken recipes, 2 or 3 fish recipes, maybe one red meat night and one veggie night.

#2: Write down the recipe and the page number it's on.

#3: Now open up your cook books and look at each recipe. Begin your grocery shopping list by writing down what you need for that recipe. You'll have to get up at look in your fridge and in your pantry and accumulate your list accordingly.

#4: Last step is re-write your list in the order you will walk through the store. This will save you tons of time as well as last minute impulse purchases!

#5: Place your menu on your fridge so you can rmember during the week what you have in your kitchen to cook!

I PROMISE, when you go through these steps each week, you will come home from the store with over 7 healthy things to cook for dinner each night!!

CAUTION: Keep your recipes easy. Don't choose things you know you won't be willing to cook! Also, plan for the evenings you'll be tired and tempted to drive through and pick up food. Instead, have some quick and easy options to grab, like Amy's frozen burritos!

Yours in healthy eating!

Sara Oliver

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