Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What are you thinking?

Daily Challenge: Eat every 3-4 hours.   You've got down eating right when you get home from your workout.  Now you need to have a plan so you can eat every 3-4 hours all day long!  If you do it right, you won't be hungry for 3 hours, but you will be ready to eat!

Thought of the Day:  What’s holding you back is the thought that something is holding you back!

It's time to break out of thoughts of self-doubt and "Just Do It".  You'll never know what your ability is if you never push pass thresholds.

My definition of a sprint:  How fast would you run if someone was trying to kill you?  Seriously! 

Well, I know so many of you can move faster than you are moving.  I know you can!  Time to push pass the thinking of "I can't" and instead RUN!  Work the hardest you've ever worked. 

Don't let anything hold you back!

Yours in breaking thresholds,
Sara Oliver, Master Trainer, OwnerSara Oliver
Master Trainer, Owner
Adventure Boot Camp Trainer

Bay Area TX Adventure Boot Camp

Monday, October 24, 2011

How to make fitness a lifestyle....forever!

Weekly Challenge:  Watch Tired, Sick and Nearly Dead.  Will discuss on Friday.
Daily Challenge:  Eat within 30 minutes after your workout!  This is SO IMPORTANT for proper recovery and to begin your day by revving up your metabolism!!
Thought of the day: Whatever you want to do: DO IT.  There are only so many tomorrows.

What are you goals?  Unless you have clearly defined goals, you will give into sleeping in, junk food, and many other unhealthy vices that beg for our attention.
But with goals we stay focused on the important!  Our health is up to the choices we make each and every day!  When our health is our goal we can more easily turn down unhealthy food options, get out of bed and get to our workouts, and make other choices like getting to bed, etc.
But just wanting to live healthy isn't a well defined goal. 
I want to live healthy and be able to exercise, enjoy my family and avoid high medical conditions/bills later on in life.  So to do that my goal is to exercise and eat right on a daily basis.  But to think that I have to do this forever can seem overwhelming, and well, boring! 
So I break this down into weekly and monthly goals gives me something tangible to work for, and therefore, will help me continue throughout my life to be healthy.
I usually sign up for about 3-4 events each year that I can focus on training for.  It's much easier to get to my workouts if I know I have a 10K or half marathon I'm training to participate in soon.
And if I am always working towards completing a race and training for that race, then I have to eat right to feel good while I'm exercising.  Too much junk or alcohol makes me feel horrible during workouts, so with that thought, it's much easier to say no to junk! 
It's also much easier to focus on drinking enough water because I know I run better when I'm well hydrated.
So can you see how the daily choices of my food and exercise are tied to my goal of a race that I'm trying to do that is usually just a few months away?  Then those races 3-4 X/year keeps my aiming for and reaching my overall goals of living a healthy lifestyle.
If races aren't your "thing" pick something else that motivates you!  But I would love to encourage you to sign up for 5K walk/runs.  You don't have to be a "runner" to enjoy these events.  But pushing yourself beyond limiting beliefs is rewarding and inspiring!  You can do anything!  You really can!
It's a great way to live and it's a FUN and rewarding lifestyle too!
Your's in living a healthy lifestyle,

Sara Oliver, Master Trainer, OwnerSara Oliver
Master Trainer, Owner
Adventure Boot Camp Trainer

Bay Area TX Adventure Boot Camp

Friday, October 21, 2011

Do you have the Butt you want?

You aren’t going to get the butt you want, by sitting on the one you have.

Weekend Challenge:  Maintain 3 fruits and veggies, water, getting 7-9 hours of sleep and taking a multi-vitamin.  

Add:  Try an entire day of just eating fruits, veggies, beans, nuts & seeds.  Report to group on Monday!
And sit down and PLAN your meals next week!

Today at boot camp we went around and shared what time we want to get to bed everynight.  Some of you had very late goals for getting to bed, which made me realize, you are doing to bed even later than that!
While you may be stuck in a habit of going to bed late (anytime after 10 is late when you get up at 5 am), it's just a habit.  And habits can be changed!  

They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit! 

Considering the habit of when you go to bed, start moving it back by 30 mintues each night.  If you have trouble going to sleep, still get in bed earlier and read.  Do an activity that gets you sleepy!  Bump the bedtime back every night until you are in bed at least by 10.  This will get you the 7 hours of minimun sleep necessary for health and well being!

If kids are keeping you up, then remember, they need their sleep too and you are establishing their sleep habits while they are in your home.  Bump their bedtime back to at least 10 also. 

I personally am aiming for 9.  I've been in bed at 8:30 twice this week, but my kids do go to bed at 8 so that's easy for me.  But I believe 9:00 pm is a do-able bedtime I can commit to!

NOTE:  It's important to stick to similar routines on the weekends as best you can.

Take time to plan, plan, plan your food for next week!  I'll see you Monday!
Yours in the journey of health and well being!
Sara Oliver

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Changing Brands Can Change Your Life!

Today’s Quote: I refuse to let the fear of getting hurt, keep me from pursuing what makes me happy!
Challenges so far this week:
  • Eat 3 fruits and 3 veggies every day!
  • Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water every day!
  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep!
Today’s Challenge:  Start taking a multi-vitamin!  Order yours today at   

Why Shaklee?  Watch this!

Shaklee also has a 100% money back guarantee.  If you do not feel better after 30 days, they will refund you completely!  No questions asked!  I switched to Shaklee 2 years ago and I've never felt better!  And that's just the honest truth!

Shaklee's multi-vitamin is called Vitalea.  You can buy it for Men, Women or those over 50 which you can order to come with or without vitamin K.  If you are on blood thinners you want the one without vitamin K.
Vitalea is only $23 for a TWO month supply!  

If you're ready for the next level, Vitalizer are daily vitamin strips that contain all your daily needs: multi-vitamin, omega 3s, vitamin B & C, and a probiotic.  

When you order the Vitalizer on your first order, you get a FREE membership!

If you do not want to order Vitalizer, then I would recommend you become a member for just a one time cost of $19.95 because it will save you 15% off from now on!

Here's some other products that my customers love and are seeing the benefit of as well.  Type the name in the search box at the upper right hand side of website.
  • Joint Health Complex
  • Nutriferon (immune booster)
  • Defend & Resist (take just when you start to feel sick)
  • Protien drink-either Cinch (cafe latte, chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry) or Physique (banana)
  • Cinch snack bars
  • Vitamin D
  • Osteomatrix (Calcium)
  • Gentle Sleep Complex
  • Stress Relief
Please let me know if you have any health issues that you have questions about.  Getting good nutrition in your body is so important!  And supplmentation is also important to aid in the cells getting the nutrition they need! 

Yours in health,
Sara Oliver

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Top Habits necessary to reach your goals

Weekly Reminder Challenge:  Watch Food Matters.  I'd love to hear what you think after seeing this film.
Today’s Challenge:  Continue with Monday's challenge.  Today, drink lots of water!!  In fact, drink half your body weight in ounces of water!
Today’s Quote: Let Food Be They Medicine and Medicine Thy Food
Here's some very important tips to make sure you are doing to increase your exercise efforts and help you reach your goals:
  • Never eat below your BMR.  If you don't know your BMR, Google BMR calculator.  Once you know your number, do not eat below that in calories/day.  In fact, we recommend on days you are doing boot camp to eat at least 250-300 more than your BMR if your goal is weight loss. 
  • Drink a LOT of water.  Just as today's challenge tells you: drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day.  This will not only help you in hydration, it will help you not be as sore and it helps you not feel fatigued and tired too!  Our bodies need water!!!!
  • Eat a pre-workout meal of about 100 calories that is made up of carbs and protein.  The Shaklee Cinch bars are perfect as well as Clif bars that you can buy from the pharmacy side of Walmart. 
  • Eat a post-wokrout meal within 60 minutes after you exercise.  That means eat ASAP, but at least within an hour after you exercise.  The easiest way for you to do this is a protein drink!  The Shaklee Physique or a Shaklee Cinch protein drink are the best on the market because of the integrity of the company who guarantees their products are always safe and always work.  And they taste good!
  • Continue to eat every 3-4 hours.  This doesn't mean you'll be eating more food.  You will actually eat less because you'll never be starving
  • This means you'll eat 5-6X/day!
  • At each meal combine and eat a protein, carb and fat.  Perfect example of a snack would be a piece of fruit (carb) with a hand full of almonds (protein & fat)
  • Eat fruits & veggies (like our challenge yesterday told you to do-let's continue this every day this session!)
  • Eat WHOLE foods: complex carbs like oatmeal, brown rice and sweet potatoes, lean cuts of protein, fat-free dairy, seeds, nuts, nut butters (natural versions), fruits and veggies.  Here's the rule: If God made it you can eat it.  If He didn't, then maybe think twice!
  • This also leads us to the excellent tip to shop along the walls of your grocery store!  That's where all the WHOLE food is located
  • And last, but not least, PLAN!   Sit down and plan your week.  If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.
Stick to the daily challenges!!  Accumulate them and stick to them every day!  If you are at all confused as how to eat to reach your goals, please ask questions!

Yours in health,
Sara Oliver

Monday, October 17, 2011

Join Me on Daily Health Challenges for 4 Weeks!

This Week’s Challenge: Watch Food Matters, available on Netflix
Today’s Challenge:  Eat 3 servings of fruits and 3 servings of veggies.
Thought of the Day:  Ignore your Health and it will go away.

Adventure Boot Camp started today with another great four weeks ahead of us.  I am looking forward to helping my campers FOCUS over the next four weeks!  One of the ways we will inspire one another and focus on our health, is with a weekly and daily challenge.  I wanted to invite all of you to also join in with us for our daily and weekly challenges! 

I want to encourage you to take on these challenges.  The daily challenges will accumulate.  So we are beginning with striving to eat 3 fruits AND 3 veggies today, which we will continue to do everyday this session!  We will add onto this (new) habit, another great healthy habit each day.

I'd also like to encourage all of you to begin an exercise program TODAY, and strive to workout 5 days/week. Why not?  This will eliminate that conversation you have with yourself every day about whether or not you should go exercise.  Decide NOW that you're going every day!  Plan a reward for yourself that you'll get when you complete this goal!  How about a massage or pedicure?  You can do it!!

Have a great day!  Swing into the grocery store today and pick up your fruits and veggies!  A great snack is veggies with hummus!  And what about an apple with natural peanut butter?!  Yum!

Yours in the journey of not ignoring health,

Sara Oliver
Fitness Expert

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What do you look at?

We had a fantastic Nutrition 101 Webinar last night! We had about 18 that attended. We will be having one more that is identical to last night's.
Weekend Warrior Boot Camp
  • When: Saturdays
  • Time: 7:30 AM
  • Where: Dow Park
  • Trainer: Greg Durham
  • *Expect a high calorie burning good time!
What do you look at?
In the mirror, that is. I've realized recently that we tend to look at the parts of ourselves that we don't like. Why do we do this? We look right at our muffin top, or our new wrinkle, or our varicose veins (Oh wait, my our gone! YAY! wink) HAHA. You get my drift. We focus and focus, day in and day out, on the aspect of our bodies that make us self conscience. And YET! When we look at others, we look at them with admiration. Typically. We typically are admiring their best features. Admit it, you never even notice a zit your co-worker is moaning about! You never notice the wrinkle your girl-friend is trying to get you to see on her face! You roll your eyes when you hear your friend say she's fat. All you wish is you had her arms (or legs, or insert the body part you love about her!) And you probably tell her! You tell you, "Oh PLEASE! You are NOT fat! "

Well, my friend, it's time we start talking to ourselves like we talk to our friends! It's time we start admiring our good features!

Today's challenge: Everytime you walk past a mirror, window, or reflection of any kind, look at your best feature. Look at it and smile. Celebrate your health today and be thankful you're ALIVE!
Have a fit & fantastic day!

Sara Oliver
Fitness Expert

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lower your weight and raise your bank account

We do today what others will not do, so that we can do tomorrow what other cannot.

How to lose weight and increase your bank account!
I've heard that some think it is more expensive to eat healthy than to eat fast-food and unhealthy foods. I disagree. If you follow the following tips, I promise you will not only lose weight, but you will save money!
And remember, you're investing in your health, and prevention is much less expensive than medicine and health care later for unwise choices we make today!
  1. PLAN YOUR MENU BEFORE YOU GET TO THE STORE!! I cannot stress this enough!! Pick recipes that are easy, quick and healthy. Then write what you need to cook that recipe. Post the menu on your refrigerator so you'll remember later in the week what you've bought!
  2. Shop along the walls of your grocery store! That's where all the fresh fruit, veggies, daily, lean meat, and eggs are located. Just stay out of the aisles altogether. (Ok, hop in and buy your coffee, because I personally, am not giving that up completely. Although I have, finally given up Coffeemate!)
  3. Cut back at least 50% from how much you eat out now! If you eat out 6X/week, try for just 3X this week. Not only will this save you money, but you'll consume less calories, and therefore, weigh less over time.
  4. I recommend purchasing Shaklee Cinch snack bars and Cinch protein drinks. At first glance you may think these look "expensive". But trust me, compared to the unhealthy snacks that we swing in and pick up from Starbucks and other fast-food places, a Cinch snack bar or protein drink (less than $2 each) are a much healthier and inexpensive, great snack to have on hand! Not to mention, lower in fat and higher in protein than any other snack! These are meal replacements. That means they replace the calories you've been consuming, as well as the money you spend other places.
  5. Drink lots of water!! Cut back on expensive, high calorie drinks, and drink water!! Your body will thank you!! And buy a water filter and use re-usable water bottles. Saves money and helps the planet. Did you know Shaklee sells the best water filter? Yes!! It filters out lead, which the Brita and Pure do not!
Have a fit & fabulous day!!
Yours in health,
Sara Oliver

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A glimpse into my reality

If you didn't know, about 3 months ago, my husband and I started dating again. Every Monday is Date Night now. I came to a realization last night while we were out: I've gained about four pounds since starting this Date Night thing. surprise Wowsers! I've gone from never eating out, to eating out at least once/week. 

But the confession is that it's actually made it easier to give in to picking up food for dinner on about 1 to 2 other nights of the week. So in reality, I've gone from never eating out to now eating out 2-3 x/week!! And what a difference that is making in what the scale says.

So, today's post is somewhat of a confession and a wake up call to myself!

I realized how we can easily get pulled into a cycle of unhealthy choices just out of ease. But wait, is this really the lifestyle I want? No! So to stop the four pound weight gain (nip it in the bud) and get back to what has worked for me my entire life thus far, I must get back to the way I was living: not eating out 2-3x/week!! 

We will continue to go on Date Night because I can't tell you how this HAS been a good decision and investment in my most important relationship (other than my relationship with God) and that's my marriage! However, I can enjoy the company of my man and not indulge in unhealthy food, and high calorie desserts! I resolve to order salads or fish and veggies. The other nights are dedicated to providing yummy and well balanced dinners for my family.

Don't get me wrong, I SEE the allure to eating out! It's so easy! It's convenient! But is the result of that what I want in my life? For me, the answer is, yes and no. Yes, I want to date my husband, and that will involve eating out. So, I'll enjoy that once/week. But the answer is also no because I want to #1: maintain a healthy weight, which is proving to be impossible with the choices I've made in the past few weeks, and #2: I want to teach my kids how to eat at home. I've realized I'm teaching them how to eat later in life by how I'm feeding them now.

So it's back to the grocery list for me and PLANNING out my healthy menus each week.

I hope this encourages you as you get to see a glimpse into my life. It's not always easy for me either. I want to live out my convictions and values and also be transparent with you and let you see that I have to make a conscious effort too.
Have a great day!
Yours in the journey,   
Sara Oliver

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

No Goal, No Glory

How will you know when to celebrate and relish the victory if you don't know where the end goal lies?

Knowing where the finish line is will help you focus on the day in and day out habits that will help you reach your goal. I believe that's why so many of those of you participating in the Biggest Loser Challenge are getting amazing results! With less than 2 weeks left, you are focused! (NOTE: A NEW Biggest Loser Challenge will begin on March 21st!)

However, if you don't have accountability, it's easier to give into all the other choices people around us are making, ie: birthday cake, office parties, alcohol, pizza, etc. Note, these things aren't bad every once in awhile, but so many people never say no to these things. And if you never say no, you'll soon realize you are surrounded with these options on a daily basis.

Therefore, living in a healthy body, at your ideal body weight, has to truly be a focused goal! If you just "go with the flow" and do as others are doing, you will find yourself far away from your goal.

On the other hand, if you surround yourself with others who value health, it will be easier to do the same. Behold: Adventure Boot Camp. We are in this together. We can be your voice and strength during those times of temptation. We do value health and we want you to achieve your goal and relish in the Glory!! You can do it!! Just say YES to your goal and live out the habits (daily) that will get you there!!
Yours in the journey,

Sara Oliver

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's your SYSTEM?

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson

SYSTEM: Save YourSelf Time & Energy (Marvelous!)

Do you have a SYSTEM for eating healthy? Well, if you don't have one you will not succeed in the lifestyle of maintaining your weight and finding success with the battle of the buldge! Here's the SYSTEM that I literally go through every week that has proven to help my family eat healthy, eat at home and therefore, it is also helping us bring back the family dinner!! (VERY important for many other reasons!)

#1: Set aside 30 minutes every week to sit down and write out your week's menu for dinners. Literally write on a piece of paper Sunday-Saturday, and pick out 2 chicken recipes, 2 or 3 fish recipes, maybe one red meat night and one veggie night.

#2: Write down the recipe and the page number it's on.

#3: Now open up your cook books and look at each recipe. Begin your grocery shopping list by writing down what you need for that recipe. You'll have to get up at look in your fridge and in your pantry and accumulate your list accordingly.

#4: Last step is re-write your list in the order you will walk through the store. This will save you tons of time as well as last minute impulse purchases!

#5: Place your menu on your fridge so you can rmember during the week what you have in your kitchen to cook!

I PROMISE, when you go through these steps each week, you will come home from the store with over 7 healthy things to cook for dinner each night!!

CAUTION: Keep your recipes easy. Don't choose things you know you won't be willing to cook! Also, plan for the evenings you'll be tired and tempted to drive through and pick up food. Instead, have some quick and easy options to grab, like Amy's frozen burritos!

Yours in healthy eating!

Sara Oliver

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Update Your Workout With Five Fitness Trends

New Year, new beginnings. there is no better time than presentto update your exercise routine with some hot fitness trends thatare sweeping the nation.

“If you are happy with your old workout, that’s fine,” says SaraOliver, CPT, owner of Bay Area TX Adventure Boot Camp. “But fitnessis an evolving field and you may want to revamp your existingroutine by adding some new exercises. there is always room forimprovement!”

Oliver points out that every year, American Council on Exerciseand American College of Sports Medicine, both reputable authoritieson health and fitness, investigate and publish the most effectiveand beneficial exercises for disease prevention, weight management,and overall wellbeing.

“With all the new research, we gain a better understanding ofhow our bodies function and respond to physical activity,” Oliversays. “And, as we become more knowledgeable, we revise the existingexercise guidelines and recommendations to include the newfindings.”

So what are the hot new trends in fitness for 2011?

Boot camps. “Actually, they’ve been ‘hot’ for a couple of years,and for a good reason,” Oliver says.“By incorporatingcardiovascular, strength, endurance and flexibility drills in bothoutdoor and indoor settings, these sessions provide a total bodyworkout, which is one of the reasons why they are so popular. plus,boot camps are about 80% less expensive than personal training, sothey give you more bang for your buck but with many of the samebenefits – an important consideration in this sluggisheconomy.”

Core training. “It rocks because it conditions middle-bodymuscles, including the pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen—all ofwhich support the spine. A stronger core will alleviate back pain,while reducing the risk of injury to the back and pelvis whenlifting and bending over.”

Strength training. “Among other benefits, this workoutwillimprove your muscle tone, endurance, and posture, as well asincrease the bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.”

Exercise and weight loss. “Obesityis a serious problem in ourcountry, one which can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and manyother life-threatening illnesses. More and more people realize thisand are starting to do something about it before it’s too late.along with healthy nutrition (rather than fad diets), regularphysical activity is a key component of a successful weight lossprogram.”

Group training. “A lot people get bored and discouraged whenthey exercise alone. Working out in a group is much more enjoyable;plus, it’s a great motivator – you are not as likely to throw inyour towel. That’s why combining a great workout with fun socialinteractions is an increasingly popular way to exercise.”

About Bay Area TX Adventure Boot Camp:
Sara Oliver, CPT opened Adventure Boot Camp in the Bay Area inOct. 2006 and has expanded to include over 7 times and locations.Schedules and client testimonials are available Sara, a certified boot camp instructor with12 years of experience in the fitness industry, can be reached or 713-515-5081.