Thursday, July 14, 2011

What do you look at?

We had a fantastic Nutrition 101 Webinar last night! We had about 18 that attended. We will be having one more that is identical to last night's.
Weekend Warrior Boot Camp
  • When: Saturdays
  • Time: 7:30 AM
  • Where: Dow Park
  • Trainer: Greg Durham
  • *Expect a high calorie burning good time!
What do you look at?
In the mirror, that is. I've realized recently that we tend to look at the parts of ourselves that we don't like. Why do we do this? We look right at our muffin top, or our new wrinkle, or our varicose veins (Oh wait, my our gone! YAY! wink) HAHA. You get my drift. We focus and focus, day in and day out, on the aspect of our bodies that make us self conscience. And YET! When we look at others, we look at them with admiration. Typically. We typically are admiring their best features. Admit it, you never even notice a zit your co-worker is moaning about! You never notice the wrinkle your girl-friend is trying to get you to see on her face! You roll your eyes when you hear your friend say she's fat. All you wish is you had her arms (or legs, or insert the body part you love about her!) And you probably tell her! You tell you, "Oh PLEASE! You are NOT fat! "

Well, my friend, it's time we start talking to ourselves like we talk to our friends! It's time we start admiring our good features!

Today's challenge: Everytime you walk past a mirror, window, or reflection of any kind, look at your best feature. Look at it and smile. Celebrate your health today and be thankful you're ALIVE!
Have a fit & fantastic day!

Sara Oliver
Fitness Expert

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