Weekly Reminder Challenge: Watch Food Matters. I'd love to hear what you think after seeing this film.
Today’s Challenge: Continue with Monday's challenge. Today, drink lots of water!! In fact, drink half your body weight in ounces of water!
Today’s Quote: Let Food Be They Medicine and Medicine Thy Food
Here's some very important tips to make sure you are doing to increase your exercise efforts and help you reach your goals:
- Never eat below your BMR. If you don't know your BMR, Google BMR calculator. Once you know your number, do not eat below that in calories/day. In fact, we recommend on days you are doing boot camp to eat at least 250-300 more than your BMR if your goal is weight loss.
- Drink a LOT of water. Just as today's challenge tells you: drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day. This will not only help you in hydration, it will help you not be as sore and it helps you not feel fatigued and tired too! Our bodies need water!!!!
- Eat a pre-workout meal of about 100 calories that is made up of carbs and protein. The Shaklee Cinch bars are perfect as well as Clif bars that you can buy from the pharmacy side of Walmart.
- Eat a post-wokrout meal within 60 minutes after you exercise. That means eat ASAP, but at least within an hour after you exercise. The easiest way for you to do this is a protein drink! The Shaklee Physique or a Shaklee Cinch protein drink are the best on the market because of the integrity of the company who guarantees their products are always safe and always work. And they taste good!
- Continue to eat every 3-4 hours. This doesn't mean you'll be eating more food. You will actually eat less because you'll never be starving
- This means you'll eat 5-6X/day!
- At each meal combine and eat a protein, carb and fat. Perfect example of a snack would be a piece of fruit (carb) with a hand full of almonds (protein & fat)
- Eat fruits & veggies (like our challenge yesterday told you to do-let's continue this every day this session!)
- Eat WHOLE foods: complex carbs like oatmeal, brown rice and sweet potatoes, lean cuts of protein, fat-free dairy, seeds, nuts, nut butters (natural versions), fruits and veggies. Here's the rule: If God made it you can eat it. If He didn't, then maybe think twice!
- This also leads us to the excellent tip to shop along the walls of your grocery store! That's where all the WHOLE food is located
- And last, but not least, PLAN! Sit down and plan your week. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.
Yours in health,
Sara Oliver
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