What I want you to focus on this week are your thoughts. Did you know that your success starts in your mind? It's true of everything in life. What we think about, dwell on and believe is what we will live out and become. Are you spending quality time "feeding" your mind with positive things? Positive books, TV shows (if that's possible....yes it is, The Biggest Loser!), positive music, and positive conversations with friends and family?
You heard it when you little and it's still true to this day: Trash in, trash out. You also heard that who you hang around will influence you. Remember the whole chair example where your teacher or parent had you stand on a chair and then have someone pull you down off the chair? Then they told you how much easier if was for bad influence to pull you "down" than it was for you to influence your friends "up". IT'S STILL TRUE FOR TODAY FOR US AS ADULTS! Who we hang around influences us. Are we surrounding ourselves with positive people? People that encourage us in our goals and help drive us to better ourselves? Are we feeding out minds and spirits with good things, or trash? Is it any wonder we struggle with self-image when all we look at are the "perfect" (photo-shopped) pictures in magazines? And we look straight at what we DON'T like about ourselves in the mirror.
Time to make a change!
Start today just becoming aware of your thoughts. If they are good they will promote good behavior. Awesome. But I also know that we ALL struggle with some negative thinking. If your thoughts are mostly negative you may find you struggle with many of the following:
-low self-image
-low self-worth
-find yourself sabotaging your goals
-put what's important to you on the back burner (eating healthy, going to bed early, reading your Bible)
-worried about what other's think (Because you're eating healthy, getting up to exercise early, losing weight!)
-comparing yourself to others and being full of discontent/envy
It's so amazing how we let our doubt and worry keep us from reaching our goals. Start changing your thoughts and beliefs (you are worth it!) and actions will follow. How? Start feeding your mind and your soul with positive things!
Here's to starting the New Year off on the right path!
Yours in health,
Sara Oliver
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