Friday, January 29, 2010

Just Do It!


This isn't talking about you!! But maybe it did at one time. I think we've all been there before when it's just easier to complain about why we are not working out instead of just saying, "Forget it! I'm gonna do it!"  Get it done! Reach your goals! Quiet the voices in your head that will tell you to just go back to bed. NO! Press past the excuses and exercise!  Get To Boot Camp! You're WORTH it!

Registration is open for the Feb. 15th camp! NOTE: There is a short Returning Camper Registration drop down option under the Registration tab!

What's the next step for you?
What about next session?
Should you up your weights?
Move to a harder jog/run line?
Push yourself harder?
Come more days to camp?
Time to start changing your eating habits?

Whatever your goal, we are here for you. Talk to me and let me help you craft your goal if need be. Tell me what your goal is and I'll tell you how to reach it!

Yours in health,

Sara Oliver

Master Trainer, Owner
Adventure Boot Camp

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Soap Box Time...


More and more people are going to doctors to get pills to help them lose weight! WHAT?!! Are you kidding me? UGH!

So let me get on my soap box a minute and tell you that makes me so mad for two reasons:

1: Why do doctors DO this?! Did you know that doctors only are required to take one semester of Nutrition during their education? So why do they think they have authority giving weight loss advice or prescription drugs for weight loss? Oh yea! The prescription drug companies pay them bonuses if they can get you to take their drugs! Wake up America! Drugs are being delivered with a pat on the back from the government. Drugs are now advertised on TV! Did you read that? Drugs are being advertised on TV!

2: We are so spoiled! We turn to pills for everything! What happened to good old fashion hard work and nutrition to prevent disease and obesity!! If we would just take a few steps back please, and think about all the trash we put in our mouths, then maybe we wouldn't need the pills!

Here's an example for you. Did you know when cows are fed corn it causes them to get ecoli in their stomachs? They get sick because cows are suppose to eat grass, not corn! Poor cows! But they have no choice not to eat corn when they are pinned up and only fed corn.


We get sick when eat Genetically Modified Foods, high fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, deep fried foods, fast food, processed food, junk food, sugar, sugar, sugar, and more sugar.


We CHOOSE everyday what we put in our mouths that produce our weight on the scale and the health of our bodies. Heaven forbid we ever turn to taking pills to lose weight with the mind set that we can still eat whatever we want! PLEASE!

And lastly let me say that those who do lose weight with the diet pills their doctor gave them, WILL GAIN IT ALL BACK! Because they haven't learned how to eat right and exercise.

Congratulations to YOU for exercising and learning to eat nutritiously! You're doing it the right way! It will be permanent weight loss because you are developing a new LIFESTYLE!

Keep it up!
Sara Oliver

Master Trainer, Owner
Adventure Boot Camp

Monday, January 25, 2010

Exercise + Nutriton = Results! (Healthy & Fit!)


We had a great time on Saturday at our Third Annual Adventure Boot Camp Celebration! Thank you again for all who donated and all who came out to celebrate with us. We love all our campers and are so thankful we get to serve you as your fitness professionals. Thank you for your continued support!

Nutrition: Here's where you can START!

First, know that you HAVE to make changes in your eating if you want to see results this session. Think of food as FUEL.

Second, as you are kick starting your lifestyle changes this month, make sure you are eating enough calories. Don't starve yourself!! When we try and lose weight we often drop the calories way too low making ourselves hungry, and therefore sabotaging any efforts to lose weight! When you starve your body it isn't stupid; it will get the fuel it needs one way or another. The next time you eat it will store as much as it can to FAT, because your body thinks you're going to starve it again! Fuel your body all day long with 5 to 6 small meals. This keeps your metabolism rocking along all day, setting yourself up for maximum fat burning potential!

Third, you are what you eat, so fuel your body with nutritious foods. If you've never attended the Nutrition Lecture, we offer them every Sunday before each session begins. The next one will be on Feb 14th. Since this is Valentines Day we are meeting from 2-4. Hope you will plan to attend.

To get you focused, this week avoid junk foods! Start grabbing for the fruits, veggies, nuts, cheeses, oatmeal, eggs, whole grains, salads, lean meats...instead of snickers, little debbies, chips, most items in vending machines, etc. You have to plan ahead in order to win here. If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail.

You can do this!!!
Keep it simple:

1. Add a 0 to your current weight and begin by eating that many calories/day. Exception: Do not eat below 1300 calories/day or below your BMR which we determined when we weighed your on the scale.
2. Now spread your calories throughout your day.
3. Find foods you enjoy, making sure you eat carbs, protein and fat at each time you eat.

We are here for you and want to see YOU succeed! Please always feel free to ask me questions. Listen to your body and PUSH IT! Ask me questions about your eating plan. I'll do my best to help you!
Another quick tip for those of you doing the 3 day boot camp: Still strive to exercise another 2-3 days/week! Just focus on cardio those days. Go for long walks, go for a jog or run. Get your heart rate up for 20 to 30 minutes. You will get faster results!

I also wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all who came out yesterday for the commercial. I'll let you all know when it will be on TV!

Have a fit and fabulous day! It's a good day to be alive!
Sara Oliver
Master Trainer, Owner
Adventure Boot Camp

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friends/Family Sabotaging Your Goals?

The following is my philosophy on HOW to change even with resistance from others around you.

While the ideal situation when one wants to make a change and start eating healthier and exercising would be to get 100% support from family and friends, what more than often happens is a resistance from our loved ones. While it is not done with the intent to sabotage our goals, our friends and co-workers can make us feel like we are crazy, over-the-top, or just "need to relax" when it comes to our weight loss goals. They still have the attitude of, "What's the harm in a few drinks and a night out?" Or maybe you've heard this one before, "Just because you're on a diet, does that mean I have to be on one too?" (By the way, you could come back with, "Just because you're eating junk, does that mean I have to?" HA!)

Approach to succeed in your nutrition choices:

#1: Sit down with office co-workers, friends and family and explain to them your goals and the new choices you will be making for YOU. Explain to them you are NOT "going on a diet", but that you will be eating healthy from now on. This is the new you and you are not expecting them to conform to your new choices, and that you would appreciate their support, understanding and the same non-expectation-to-conform to their eating habit as you are giving them.

#2: Count the cost. What ARE your goals? Do you have a clear picture of where you want to be, say, in 6 months from now? Are your goals WORTH any resistance you may feel from friends and family when choosing healthy food options?

#3: Resolve to stay focused on you. We put so much pressure on ourselves to make others happy. We feel guilty for turning down office friends when they want to eat out, or even ordering a salad at lunch instead of the greasy food they are ordering. Often though, we put these feelings and thoughts in our own head, when they are really admiring us, not thinking bad of us. Forget about what they think. YOU have decided you want to be healthy. They may be feeling guilty they don't have your focus and resolve and want your company of unhealthy choices. Don't give in. They will admire you in the long run!

A personal in-site into my home-life. My husband doesn't like to eat healthy. I have a 4 & 5 year old who love junk food, hot dogs and cookies! But, they got me for a wife and mother! HA! So, they know that we eat healthy, no discussion! It's my JOB as a mom first, and a wife, to plan the meals, do the shopping, prepare the dinners, and get it on the table. My husband complains about some recipes, and I just make a note to not serve that again. But more often than not, I find things to cook that he will eat. He might not LOVE it. He might prefer chicken friend steak and mashed potatoes, but if he is still hungry after dinner or feels unsatisfied, he is a free person. He is free to get up and fry himself up something or go grab fast food for himself. I don't judge him for that and he let's me cook healthy. We are all our own person and we are each responsible for our own food choices. The longer we are married the more I realize he can eat what he wants and I can, and will, eat the way I want.

I'm also relaxed a few times a month. We do make healthy food choices the majority of the month, so occasionally we go out for Mexican food (once a month) and we indulge! It's the daily and weekly indulgences that have to stop. It's not to say you will never have another drink, dessert or decadent meal. You will! But what are your day in and day out habits? These are what will make up your body weight, body fat, the way you feel, and ultimately your self confidence, happiness and overall success of your health and fitness goals.

My kids nutrition is my responsibility, but when they grow up, they will be free to make their own choices.

Kids will eat healthy! My kids eat cereal for breakfast, grapes, apples, cheese sticks and yogurts for snacks, peanut butter & jelly for lunch (on whole grain bread with natural peanut butter and All-fruit jelly). They get snacky food made from Back to Nature, Cascadian Farms or Annies. And for dinner we do our best to make them try what we are eating for dinner. We offer fruit salad at dinner, applesauce and protein in the form of chicken or low-fat sausage. They love it when we go somewhere else and they get the chance to eat a hot dog, but it's not a staple in our house.

Hope this helps and please feel free to respond and share your struggles, questions and concerns.

Have a fit, fabulous and nutritious weekend!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What's the story in your mind?


What's your 'I AM' statement? Write it down and post it where you can see it everyday. Did you know the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference from what's real and what's not real. Reprogramming the subconscious mind with 'I AM' statements (stating things even if they currently are not true) will make them come true. This is because you will start acting out in ways that will bring that 'I AM' statement to a reality!

Another correlation is with our finances. The reason poverty tends to follow generations of families is because the 'stories' they tell over and over again predict their future. 'The story in your mind becomes the story of your life'.

Typically you can predict your future by the people you hang out with and associate with on a regular basis. You'll find that if you are struggling it's probably because you are around others that were struggling. This doesn't mean to drop your family, but do begin to migrate and associate with others that have what you want. Look for opportunities to be around and get to know people that are living the life you want to live . . . people that are more successful than yourself. That can be financially, physically or spiritually. Read books written by experts and fill your mind with positive affirmations.

You'll easily see how when you train the body physically, other parts of you become stronger too. You become more in touch with your emotions. Your mental strength grows, and hopefully your spirit is being lifted up as well. We are complex beings. Explore each part of who you are.

Yours in the journey,
Sara Oliver

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Let's start today! First, determine your BMR here:
Do NOT eat below your BMR! In fact, I would tell you to add at least 100-200 calories to this number when starting an exercise routine. Now divide these calories into 4-6 small meals/day.  Tonight, go home and plan the next week's meals and get to the store tonight! Don't wait for the weekend! Fill your days will fruits and veggies, whole grains, high fiber and lean protein.
If you need direction or help please email me!! I'm here to help!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Where's your mind?

What I want you to focus on this week are your thoughts. Did you know that your success starts in your mind? It's true of everything in life. What we think about, dwell on and believe is what we will live out and become. Are you spending quality time "feeding" your mind with positive things? Positive books, TV shows (if that's possible....yes it is, The Biggest Loser!), positive music, and positive conversations with friends and family?

You heard it when you little and it's still true to this day: Trash in, trash out. You also heard that who you hang around will influence you. Remember the whole chair example where your teacher or parent had you stand on a chair and then have someone pull you down off the chair? Then they told you how much easier if was for bad influence to pull you "down" than it was for you to influence your friends "up". IT'S STILL TRUE FOR TODAY FOR US AS ADULTS! Who we hang around influences us. Are we surrounding ourselves with positive people? People that encourage us in our goals and help drive us to better ourselves? Are we feeding out minds and spirits with good things, or trash? Is it any wonder we struggle with self-image when all we look at are the "perfect" (photo-shopped) pictures in magazines? And we look straight at what we DON'T like about ourselves in the mirror.

Time to make a change!

Start today just becoming aware of your thoughts. If they are good they will promote good behavior. Awesome. But I also know that we ALL struggle with some negative thinking. If your thoughts are mostly negative you may find you struggle with many of the following:
-low self-image
-low self-worth
-find yourself sabotaging your goals
-put what's important to you on the back burner (eating healthy, going to bed early, reading your Bible)
-worried about what other's think (Because you're eating healthy, getting up to exercise early, losing weight!)
-comparing yourself to others and being full of discontent/envy

It's so amazing how we let our doubt and worry keep us from reaching our goals. Start changing your thoughts and beliefs (you are worth it!) and actions will follow. How? Start feeding your mind and your soul with positive things!

Here's to starting the New Year off on the right path!

Yours in health,
Sara Oliver

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ahhh, a New Year!  I love the fresh start, the clean slate that a New Year brings.  Over the past couple of years of not blogging, I have had my third child.  There's nothing like the body gaining and losing 30 pounds to humble me once agin with respect in just how much work losing weight does take.  I love being apart of the fitness world.  I'm so glad I have the knowledge, passaion and tools to not only reach my goals but also inspire others to reach their fitness vision too.

Adventure Boot Camp has continued to grow and become an amazing part of my life.  My campers inspire me and I love starting each new day with them.  I am looking forward to sharing again the latest in health & fitness as I pick blogging back up. 

Expect an amazing 2010!  For starters, have you made your goals yet?  Have you thought about where you want to be this time next year?  With out a plan, you plan to fail.  First deciding where you want to be, is the first step on the road to getting there.

Take a few moments TODAY to write out your health and fitness goals. Write SMART goals.

Specifice, well-defined
Measureable, how far away completion is, know when it's been acheived
Attainable, action oriented
Realistic, within reasonable time and ability (if you want to lose weight it is realistic to lose 1-2 pounds/week)
Time-based. Give yourself a date, but not too far away that you lose motivation
Enjoy the process of setting goals. Then let us help you reach them!
Next camp starts Jan. 11th