Weekly Challenge: Watch Tired, Sick and Nearly Dead. Will discuss on Friday.
Daily Challenge: Eat within 30 minutes after your workout! This is SO IMPORTANT for proper recovery and to begin your day by revving up your metabolism!!
Thought of the day: Whatever you want to do: DO IT. There are only so many tomorrows.
What are you goals? Unless you have clearly defined goals, you will give into sleeping in, junk food, and many other unhealthy vices that beg for our attention.
But with goals we stay focused on the important! Our health is up to the choices we make each and every day! When our health is our goal we can more easily turn down unhealthy food options, get out of bed and get to our workouts, and make other choices like getting to bed, etc.
But just wanting to live healthy isn't a well defined goal.
I want to live healthy and be able to exercise, enjoy my family and avoid high medical conditions/bills later on in life. So to do that my goal is to exercise and eat right on a daily basis. But to think that I have to do this forever can seem overwhelming, and well, boring!
So I break this down into weekly and monthly goals gives me something tangible to work for, and therefore, will help me continue throughout my life to be healthy.
I usually sign up for about 3-4 events each year that I can focus on training for. It's much easier to get to my workouts if I know I have a 10K or half marathon I'm training to participate in soon.
And if I am always working towards completing a race and training for that race, then I have to eat right to feel good while I'm exercising. Too much junk or alcohol makes me feel horrible during workouts, so with that thought, it's much easier to say no to junk!
It's also much easier to focus on drinking enough water because I know I run better when I'm well hydrated.
So can you see how the daily choices of my food and exercise are tied to my goal of a race that I'm trying to do that is usually just a few months away? Then those races 3-4 X/year keeps my aiming for and reaching my overall goals of living a healthy lifestyle.
If races aren't your "thing" pick something else that motivates you! But I would love to encourage you to sign up for 5K walk/runs. You don't have to be a "runner" to enjoy these events. But pushing yourself beyond limiting beliefs is rewarding and inspiring! You can do anything! You really can!
It's a great way to live and it's a FUN and rewarding lifestyle too!
Your's in living a healthy lifestyle,

Sara Oliver
Master Trainer, Owner
Adventure Boot Camp Trainer
Bay Area TX Adventure Boot Camp