Tuesday, July 9, 2013

To detox or not to detox....that is the question!

Is eating clean hard for you too? 

It is for me.  So I thought I'd share some secrets with you today to help get you back on track, or maybe begin the journey of clean eating for the first time.  

When I find myself back in a rut and not making healthy choices, I know it's time to do a quick detox!

Have you ever heard the word detox?  Well, detox can get a bad rap from some trainers, but all it means to me is setting aside a 3-10 day focus of eating clean (no processed foods, basically only food God made, and basically how we should eat the majority of the time). 

This "detox" time period allows you to commit 100% to only eating real food.  When you set aside a time frame to do this, you can mentally tackle it.  It's much easier to commit to eating perfect for 3 days, than say, the rest of the year, right?

But what ends up happening is that you feel so AMAZING after 3 days of eating clean, and you rid yourself of cravings, that you end up eating clean for another couple of weeks (or months) at least before possibly reverting back into old habits.

The key is making those visits back to old habits less and less until you really are only indulging in sweets or high calorie "junk" on occasion (not regular enough at all to make you gain weight back).
I usually do a detox eating plan for about week, maybe 2-3X/year.

So I'd encourage you to go on a 3-10 day detox plan.  Here is a simple one you can download for you to consider following.  I'm starting this plan today and plan to commit for the next 7 days!
You'll notice this plan eliminates meat for the first few days.  This just allows the body to work on clearing out the digestive track so better absorption can follow.  You'll be eating a ton of veggies and fruits and getting your protein from Shaklee 180.  The supplements listed at the bottom are optional.

What's great is you are not going to count calories for the next 7-10 days, but you will lose weight....I promise!

Hope this helps to refocus you and get you back on track, where we all feel our best!!

Yours in health & nutrition!
Sara Oliver

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