Have you ever heard the metaphor about the Dead Sea?
It goes like this. One day a preacher asked, “What is the one body of water in the world where nothing lives?” Many would know and say “the Dead Sea”. Then he would ask “why is there nothing living in the Dead Sea?” Many would say “the salt content is too high.”
He would say “right”. But then he would ask “why is the salt content too high?” Then they would be stumped.
He would go on to explain to them that the reason the salt content is so high is because the Dead Sea is at the lowest altitude and water only flows into it. No water flows out of it. It is only a taker. Therefore, no life lives in it.
As we gain our freedom it is very important that we help others gain theirs too. It effects your self-esteem. Your subconscious will know that not only do you have intrinsic value but you are helping people and adding value to the lives of others and therefore you are of a great value to the world.
I am not insinuating that you or any of the campers that are in camp are takers, but rather that sometimes we do not understand the value that your story will have to some other ladies that are still stuck.
One last thing, by sharing your story you become a leader. Once you proclaim something it will have a positive effect on you sticking to the actions you know you should be making. So, by helping others you are really helping yourself in a big way too.
I hope you will share your story!
I want to send out a BIG thank you to Sally Hargrave for sharing her story below.
Please join me in congratulating Sally on her wonderful committment to her health— and feel free to give Sally a “virtual High-5″ by commenting below, or in person at our 5:15 AM Dow Park camp.
This is just the beginning, Sally! You are a committed, kind, confident and strong woman. Your health journey is sure to inspire many and I thank you for sharing your story.
I AM Adventure Boot Camp.
Name: Sally HargraveAge: 51
What do you do when you're not at boot camp? I keep my 2 yr old granddaughter 5 days a week, run a personal shopping service for my family, and I'm chief cook and bottle washer. I love to play tennis any chance I get and am enrolled in a cardio tennis class that meets two nights a week.
Family? Married for 33 yrs with four grown sons, a daughter-in-law, a granddaughter, and a grandson on the way.
ABC birthday (when you started)? October 22, 2007
Is this your first camp? If not, how many camps have you done? This is not my first camp. I have not missed a camp since I started 5 yrs ago!
Why did you join ABC? I was already playing a lot of tennis and jogging but I never got the results I was looking for. I hated being in a gym and thought I could at least give it a try for a month.
What are your fitness goals? I'm always trying to keep my heart healthy and avoid diabetes that runs in my family. My fitness goal is to continue to keep my body and mind as strong and fit as I can as I age.
What do you love most about ABC? There's a lot of things that I love about it. I guess it's the feeling that it gives me. Strength! Inner strength AND physical strength. I love that it energizes me when I start my day with it. I love the variety that we get throughout each session. I also love that I have met some really nice people over the years who've pushed and inspired me to keep moving through whatever.
Did you have any fears or concerns before you started ABC? Do you have those same fears now or how has the program affected those fears? I really had the fear that I wouldn't be able to handle it. That I would be too old or too slow or too out of shape. I almost talked myself out of signing up. Just the words "Boot Camp" sounded a little scary to me, but I jumped in with both feet and signed up for 5 days a week for the first session and never missed a day. I was totally hooked after the first couple of days even though I was sore because I started seeing results immediately! I haven't had those fears since the first day I went. There was nothing scary about it and no one expected me to do anything that I wasn't physically capable of doing.
What has surprised you most about your experience with ABC? That great feeling it has given me. How bad I feel when we don't have it because we're off for a week, and how much I can't wait to get back to it. Also, how quickly I lost inches and over the years, pounds that I never thought I would lose. How it's completely reshaped my body and how much younger I feel because of it.
What results or accomplishments are you most proud of? Arm muscles and Jogging a whole mile without stopping! That's a big deal for me. Also the fact that I've stuck with this for 5 years without stopping. Also a big deal for me.
What's your favorite healthy snack? Seasonal fruit or avocado
What's your favorite cheat meal? Mexican Food with chips, queso, guacamole and the works!
What tips would you give others about making it to boot camp every day? Set your alarm and put your feet on the floor when it goes off. Once you're up it's easy:)
What about ABC makes you laugh? People. There's something funny that someone shares on most days, people cracking little jokes, laughing about the music that's being played. It's a lighthearted bunch of people that want to have fun while they workout.
Favorite ABC exercise and why? I love lower body days. Lunges, spiderman lunges and any kind of abs on our mats. Also the days we workout on the big balls. Those are great workouts.
Least favorite ABC exercise and why? Running the hills and the mile. It's a mental thing with the mile, and the hills give me what I call "booty lock" or really tight glutes and ham strings for the day.
Your advice to prospective boot campers?
Don't be scared to try. There's at least one other person already out there that's just like you, or started where you're starting. There's a great group of women that will encourage and applaud you along the way. Show up and give 100% if you want results.

Master Trainer, Owner
Adventure Boot Camp Trainer
Bay Area TX Adventure Boot Camp
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