Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Raising Kids in a world of Chocolate & Pizza

So I wanted to share with you a new snack that is becoming my favorite!  Buy yellow, red and orange bell peppers and slice them into think wedges.  Great for dipping into Hummus!!  Love this new snack.  So refreshing, crunchy and sweet!

As far as kids and eating, it's hard to get them to eat right sometimes!  Here are some great things that work for my kids who are 8, 6, and 2:
  • apples and peanut butter (Buy the Smucker's brand, Natural peanut butter.  It has oil on top and you have to stir it and then refrigerate it.  It's really yummy!)
  • celery and peanut butter
  • cheese sticks with fruit
  • Shaklee Snack Bars-peanut butter is their favorite
  • carrots with hummus (Found out they'll eat it one time when we bought a big tray of veggies with dip-which is something I'll do sometimes to just get in my own veggies!)
  • Dannon's drinkable yogurts-these don't contain high fructose corn syrup!
  • I'll buy the yogurts in the tubes sometimes and freeze them.  They're fun to eat cold-like ice cream!
  • applesauce
  • when I buy chips I buy the Natural Cheetos-they don't contain the artificial colors
  • I buy Gold fish!
  • I'll buy ice cream sandwiches for fun desserts.  They keep the serving size down and they still get ice cream!
For quick and easy meal ideas:

  • My kids love burritos.  I'll open a can of fat-free refried beans and put on tortilla with cheese, and some sour cream! 
  • I make my own chicken nuggets.  I just cut up chicken and toss in mustard and then shake in a bag of bread crumbs.  Then bake for 25 min at 350.  They love these better than store bought nuggets!!
  • I serve veggies at every meal. Our rule is eat 3 bites even if you don't like it.  It's finally working!!  :) 
  • I'll also add flavorless Shaklee Protein to sauces and smoothies or shakes.
My thinking is if I can get them to eat a good breakfast, keep snacking healthy, and plan a good evening meal for the family with lean meats and lots of veggie choices, they'll be ok when they get to splurge other times in the day.  I'm trying to live a balanced life as a mom.  I want to do a good job teaching health without being too strict that could lead to rebellion and poor choices when they're away from the home.

I take them grocery shopping with me and when they ask for junk I'll point out why it's not the best choice.  I've taught them they don't want to eat high fructose corn syrup or food coloring.  But I try and find an alternative to that product that they can eat.

Dedicated to your success,

Sara Oliver
Master Trainer, Owner
Adventure Boot Camp Trainer

Bay Area TX Adventure Boot Camp

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