I hope taking care of your health falls in there somewhere high on the list. You only have one body. If you don't take care of it, where will you live?
Why is it that we will spend money of movies, popcorn, getting our nails done, eating out, and a $5 cups of coffee, but we balk at buying a $8 piece of salmon from the grocery store or purchasing a canister of high quality protein for $40? It's crazy!! Priorities.
I really do believe that if you spend money now on your health and save a ton of money later down the road on medical bills!!
The biggest hurdle I believe some clients struggle with is spending money on high quality food.
How many times have you gone to the store, without a plan, dropped $200, and gotten home only to realize you still don't have anything to eat!!!?
You have to PLAN your menu before you go to the store!! Sit down and write out your dinner for the week! They don't have to be hard, gourmet meals. Keep it simple. I usually do a lean meat on the grill or George Forman, brown rice in the steamer or a baked sweet potato, with a lot of veggies (either a big GREEN salad or baked or steamed veggies!) Simple!
Let me just say this, if you'll plan your menu, and then choose high quality food, when you get to the check out counter, it is not that much more if you shop properly. Remember, you
- fruits & veggies (order from www.RawfullyOrganic.com by Friday and I'll pick up your box for you for $6)
- wild caught fish
- organic red meat and chicken
- Hummus
- whole grain breads
- nitrate/nitrite free deli meats
- almonds, walnuts, pecans, flax seeds, chia seeds
- natural nut butters
- brown rice
- olive oil and coconut oil
- eggs
- yogurts
- fat-free milk or almond or coconut milk
- frozen, organic fruit for smoothees
Here's a perfect day of eating healthy:
- Breakfast: Blend a Smoothee every morning with frozen fruit (possibly throw in some greens too!) and Shaklee 180 Protein!!
- Snacks: nuts and fruits OR oatmeal!
- Lunch: GREEN salad with lean meat or cottage cheese added
- Snacks: same as above
- Dinner: lean meat, veggies and brown rice or sweet pot
Sara Oliver
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