- When: Saturday
- Time: 1:00 pm
- Register NOW at https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/146391462
- When: Saturdays
- Time: 7:30 AM
- Where: Dow Park
- Trainer: Greg Durham
- *Expect a high calorie burning good time!
In the mirror, that is. I've realized recently that we tend to look at the parts of ourselves that we don't like. Why do we do this? We look right at our muffin top, or our new wrinkle, or our varicose veins (Oh wait, my our gone! YAY!
Well, my friend, it's time we start talking to ourselves like we talk to our friends! It's time we start admiring our good features!
Today's challenge: Everytime you walk past a mirror, window, or reflection of any kind, look at your best feature. Look at it and smile. Celebrate your health today and be thankful you're ALIVE!
Have a fit & fantastic day!
Sara Oliver
Fitness Expert