This week we will be cleaning out your pantry and refrigerator! Are you ready?
This will be just in time for this week's GROCERY SHOPPING TOURS so that you can learn what you should be buying to replace these foods!
When: Thursday at 7 pm at HEB on Fairmont
Saturdeay at 9:30 am at Randalls on Clear Lake City Blvd and Space Center
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Each day I will send you a homework assignment that will involve looking at what you currently have in your kitchen and THROWING OUT anitnutrient foods. Just focus on cleaning out your kitchen of this one thing. Don't worry about knowing if these product will contain some of the other ingredients we may be sending out later in the week, because if it has even one antinutrient, you will never buy it again! Ok?
Now, hopefully you've planned out healthy meals for the week to help you make it to Thursday's or Saturday's Gocery Shopping Tour.
Ok your first assignment: THROW AWAY any product in your kitchen that contains High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)! This is the most evil of all refined grains, therefore, we begin by getting rid of it! You may be shocked where this antinutrient lurks. Be sure and check every nutrition label.
Here is a list of common foods where it may be found:
applesauce, baked beans, baking mixes, BBQ sauce, ketchup, bread crumbs, breakfast cereal, ceral bars (Special K bars!), candy (of course!), chocolate milk, cocktail sauce, any cola or soda (but don't drink the diet either...an upcoming email this will explain), cookies, cough syrup, crackers, english muffins, bread, fruit drinks, ice cream, jams & jellies, lunch meat (only buy the lunch meat without nitrates or nitrites), mayo, pasta sauce, peanut butter (only buy the natural with the oil on top), pickles, protein bars, relish, salad dressing, and yogurt! (Dannon sells yogurt w/o HFCS)
This is not a comprehensive list but will get you thinking.
WHY? What's the big deal anyway?
-First of all, fructose will not suprress the hunger hormone ghrelin levels the way that glucose (table sugar) will, demanding then, that you eat more. The reason is because glucose is metabolized by all your cells, but fructose must be filtered through the liver.
-And secondly, HFCS produces triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood stream because our liver is not meant to process large quantities of fructose. Example, God-given tomatoes contain frustose. Not all fructose if bad. But there is only about 2-3 grams of fructose in a whole cup of chopped tomatoes. On the other hand, man-made-processed HFCS in one can of coke contains 42 grams! Your body sees that is thinks, "What to do, what to do?" So it spits out triglycerides and cholesterol to combat this foreign food.
Bottom line: We are making ourselves sick! If you see HFCS on the label, don't just think, "This isn't good for me but.." NO! Think, "This is POISON!" And just say no. You can find another brand of that food that does not contain HFCS!
To your health,
Sara Oliver