Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Prevention is the ONLY way to go!

Dennis Waitley
I wanted to share with you today the importance of prevention vs. waiting until you're sick to then treat and cure your ailments. This can be a hard one to get people to believe in because doubters will say that the one who truly adopts the prevention life-stlye will never know if they would've gotten sick or not anyway. Hmmm, I don't know about you, but I'm ok with that! Or you may have heard before, "My grandma ate eggs, bacon, red meat, bread and butter her whole life and lived to be 90!" Well, you have to remember they were eating truly REAL food that they raised themselves on farms. The food 50 years ago contained more nutrients and vitamins than our food today due to the pesticides and preservatives put in food, and the living conditions of our animals.

Here's how we know that our food supply is killing us. In the 1900's the four main causes of death were from OUTSIDE causes:

-Small Pox

Today our top four killers are from causes that are attacking us from the INSIDE:

-Heart Disease

And what else do these four killer have in common?....


When looking at the cost of prevention, ie: boot camp, exercises cost in time and commitment, supplementation with Shaklee products, spending money on organic food, buying grass-fed animals, etc. vs the cost of health care WHEN you get sick (if you don't take care of yourself, you WILL get sick, if you do take care of yourself the recovery will be faster), the cost will more than likely be LOWER than the price you will pay for medical bills, doctors, time off work, stress on family, stress on your and your mental state, etc, etc.

It's time to focus on prevention.

Wellness vs sickness.

Finally looking at our food as our medicine. And if in need of medicine turning to look at how to change the food you eat to help your body heal. We cannot expect our bodies to heal when we are feeding our bodies junk! All the drugs in the world cannot help us if we do not eat the God-given food He intended for our bodies to run on.

You're doing it! You're exercising and beginning to look at food differently. I hope you're beginning to spend a little more on organic produce and grass-fed animals. Shaklee may need to be your next step in Prevention. Again, Shaklee's products are Whole Food, not synthetic. They are backed with years of research and their products are Always Safe, Always Work, and are Always Green.

I'd like you to consider beginning at least the Shaklee's Vitalea, their multi-vitamin.

If you haven't had the chance yet to test what you are currently taking, drop your multi-vitamin into a glass of water and just see how long it takes to break down! You want to see it begin to dissolve. The Shaklee Vitalea breaks down within 5-10 minutes. You want to see this happen because you want it to begin to be absorbs by the time it reaches your stomach.
The Vitalizer strips contain the multi-vitamin and the Omega-3s (that are released in the upper intestine), B & C complex (that travels further into the digestive track for sustained release to maintain blood nutrient levels over 12 hours), and the Probiotic (that is released in the lower intestine).

Check it out at

For the clinical research behind the Shaklee products you can cut and paste the below address into your browser:
To PREVENTION! Your WORTH it and being around to take care of the ones you love it worth it too! Keep up the healthy lifestyle of nutrition and exercise!
Yours in health,

Sara Oliver

Monday, March 29, 2010

How to change people.....Oh yea, you can't!

Why is it we can see other's "faults" before our own? And this can be in the area of fitness and nutrition. We wish our spouse or child ate better or exercised more. Are we setting the example? What I've come to believe, through many mistakes that I've personally made, is that the best approach with family is to:
1. Set a good example. Be the person you are looking for. Be the person you know you should be in your health habits and don't set out to change another person's habits. Our health habits are very personal. It can be hard not to reflect your personal goals onto a spouse or significant other.

2. Give them freedom to choose their own goals. This is hard. Much easier said than done! However, I've discovered that when a person is ready to make a change in his/her health is when it will be a success for them. If they feel they are doing it to please you they will end up resenting your gentle encouragement.

3. Ask for the same freedom from family members. If you've released your family from your health expectations, then ask them for the same respect and freedom to pursue your own goals for your health. Ask them not to tease you when you make a healthy order when eating out. Tell them you are not "dieting". This is a way of life for you. I can bet that if you let them off the hook when they are making bad choices, they will let you off the hook when you are making healthy choices. And that will show them it's possible.

Now a few other quick tips.

1. Don't act like a perfectionist. This is a tricky one, but showing that you can enjoy a dessert now and then is good for the family to see. Still enjoying life is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle (balance), and showing others that you can maintain your weight while enjoying some splurges (once/week).

2. Having said all the above doesn't mean we shouldn't provide healthy food at home. You should! It's our jobs as parents (if you are one), or as the grocery buyer of the home, to bring home healthy choices and plan healthy meals!

3. Love. Just show unconditional kiddos especially. Showing that you love your kids and spouse no matter the way they look is what will drive them to pursue a healthy lifestyle. If they catch wind at all that you disapprove of their outward appearance, you can unintentionally cause a wedge between your relationship, and an unhealthy fixation on weight and dieting. Don't we have it hard as it is in the world?! If you feel you are on the receiving end of those expectations from family members, forgive. Just know that deep down they do love you and are not choosing a healthy way to communicate that to you. Getting healthy needs to be YOUR choice, not theirs. That's when it will become yours and you will be successful.

Here's to continuing to grow and learn as we all reach our next fitness level and discover our Inner Athlete!

Have a fit & fabulous day!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What's keeping your from reaching your goal?

I like this because it really does take "lots of little" to get where you want to be. It's the day in and day out "little" things you do that will get you to the big goal! You've all heard, "How do you eat an elephant?....One bite at a time!" And that applies to our health and fitness goals, and our nutrition goals. What we do TODAY is what will get us to where we want to be tomorrow.

So what are you doing today to reach your goals? Did you make it to boot camp or did you blow it off? Is it really important for you to get healthy or is it not that important?

Why do we talk ourselves out of the things in life we know we should do and rationalize ourselves into things (over-eating, making poor nutrition choices) we know will take us away from our goals?

Take a moment this morning to reflect on the obstacles that are hindering you from doing the day in and day out things you know you should be doing. Are any of the following an obstacle for you?

-I wake up and I'm just so tired I talk myself into going back to sleep. I'll "go to boot camp tomorrow"

-Oops there's nothing in the pantry to pack for breakfast so I'll just swing through a fast food joint.

-I get to work and there's birthday cake.....AGAIN! So I'll give in because, after all, it's someone's birthday!

-I know I should eat fruit and veggies but I'm gonna order fries instead.....just this once

-I know I should push yourself harder at boot camp, but I'm just gonna blend into the crowd instead and go 50%.

-I'm letting someone in my life who is making poor health choices, bring me down. I'm over-eating with them. I'm being lazy with them.

Now pick some strategies, or brainstorm some of your own, to defeat that obstacle next time it appears....because it will!

-I will set my alarm across the room so I will get out of bed because I know I will not regret getting to boot camp, but I will regret not going! And I will go to bed earlier so it will be easier to get up. I need at least 7 hours of sleep!

-I will schedule a time to sit down and plan my grocery list before I go to the store. Then I will go to the grocery store weekly so that I'm prepared for my week!

-I will politely decline birthday cake, donuts, fast food, and any other food, even if it is free, because I have a health and fitness goal and consuming those empty calories will not help me reach my goal.

-I will always order a salad when eating out or a bowl of fruit. This will ensure I get some of my vital nutrients into my day and also fill me up. I don't need fries or onion rings or chips. They won't take me toward my goal of a healthy lifestyle. Fruits and veggies will. I want to eat 5 servings of fruit and veggies/day!

-I will give MY 100% at boot camp. I'm here! I got to boot camp! So now I'm gonna work HARD in the next 60 minutes! I'm worth it!

-I will give my loved one in my life the freedom to make unhealthy choices. I will not preach to them that they should join me. I will ask they do the same for me and give me the freedom to make my own choices: to exercise and eat healthy. I will because I have a goal that is important to ME.

Take heart! We ALL fight the mental battle! The battle is won in the mind! WOW! The mind is a powerful thing! Surrounding yourself with like minded people is important. You can do it!!

See you in the AM!
Yours in health strategies,

Sara Oliver
Master Trainer, Owner
Adventure Boot Camp Trainer
Bay Area TX Adventure Boot Camp

Monday, March 8, 2010

dreams and moments


Let's talk about DREAMS.

What are your dreams? Are you living your dream now? Where you are right now, was this once a dream you had for yourself? To exercise! To be a person who lives healthy and make healthy choices! Then celebrate these moments that are taking you to your dream and enjoy the moment of recognizing you are living your dream!

What are some new dreams?

Having someone in your life you look up is a good thing. Finding others that are where you want to be will make it easy for you to get there because, guess what? People LOVE to talk about themselves! If you just call that person up and let them know you love where they are in their fitness level, career, marriage, spiritual walk, etc, etc, and you would love to take them to coffee to learn more about how they got there, do you think they would say no? They'd jump on it! They'd be so flattered and would love to share with you how to get there to! That's what I love about life:

If someone else is somewhere you want to be, you can learn how to get there too.

It will be important to tear down any walls or preconceived notions you may have before you speak to them. If you are asking a mentor for direction but are thinking, "Oh she succeeded because she has more time in her day to get things done", then stop and say re-think by saying, "No, I can find the time to follow the same steps she took because this is my dream too." Or maybe you're tempted to not do what she did. Maybe she is telling you she practices daily affirmations out load, but you feel silly doing that so you just want to skip that daily habit. Hold up and rethink: If this worked for her there must be something to this! I'm gonna do everything she tells me to do!

Following the habits of successful people will get you to success as well.

Keep dreaming and planning! Knowing where you want to be is the first step in getting you there.

Yours in the journey,
Sara Oliver

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I've been told for years I should read. The more I read books the more knowledge I will gain. Well, I've slowly tried to adopt this into my lifestyle. While I'm not yet reading a book a month, which is my goal, here is what I know:
-In order to achieve success, study those who've succeeded. And then do what they did and what they do.
-Clarity is perhaps the most important concept in personal productivity.
-Those who reach their goals #1: Know what their goals are, #2: Use visualization or Vision Boards to help them attain their goals.

Have you read Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy? In it he talks about what it would be like if you had to eat a gross, live frog. How would you do it?

#1: If you have to eat 2 frogs, eat the ugliest one first,
#2: If you have to eat a live frog at all, it doesn't help to sit and and look at it for very long.

The book, of course, isn't talking about eating real frogs, but instead working through and accomplishing things we need to accomplish and not procrastinating. Ahhhh, how true.

Let's relate this to our fitness. You've signed up for boot camp but are you reaching your goals? Well, what are your goals? Do you know what they are? Where do you want to be in 90 days? If you thought just getting to boot camp was the answer, you were only partly right. You must have clarity as to where you want to be so you'll know: How many days you need to exercise, how many calories you need to eat, and this will then give you the will power to resist any alternative.

Some of you haven't yet put thought into changing your nutrition habits. Maybe this is a scary area for you. Or you're procrastinating tackling what it would take to learn about nutrition. It's easier to just keep doing what you're doing. But are you happy with the results? Do you feel good? What will it take to motivate you to change? A sickness? Heart attack? Oh I hope not! Let me assure you:

-Nutrition isn't that confusing.
But changing your habits isn't easy. I know. I get it. But it IS possible!

Ok. So now what?

Identify what you want to work on. Set your goals. Feel free to email me back and let me help you determine if your time frame for your goal matches the time and effort you are willing to put into reaching that goal. It's okay to reach a goal slower than in 90 days! It's ok and it's good to know if your action steps, will in fact, get you to where you want to be in a certain time frame.

After you know your goal:
-Take action immediately. Failure to execute is the biggest problem to not reaching your goal!
-Develop the habits of success. (Diet's don't work, good habits do)
-No shortcuts. Practice, practice, practice. With practice, you can learn any new behavior or develop any habit that you consider either desirable or necessary!
-The 3 D's of a new habit formation: Decision, Discipline, Determination
-Visualize yourself as you want to be! Your mental picture of yourself has a powerful effect on your behavior! Your self-image, the way you see yourself on the inside, largely determines your performance on the outside. All improvements on the outside, begin with improvements on the inside, in your mental pictures.

Eat that frog!